MOOG Muse noisy Oscillators
MOOG Muse noisy Oscillators
I have had a Muse for about a month now, and discovered that there is noise on the Triangle and Square on both oscillators. Normally I can hear it when the filter is set to halfway and playing high notes. When using PWM , I get a sort of Ocean wave type effect. In the EQ I can clearly see the noise. Anyone else have any issues?
Re: MOOG Muse noisy Oscillators
I assume both of the noise generators are off. When you reboot does it do the same thing.
Re: MOOG Muse noisy Oscillators
This definitely sound like a defective unit. My triangles had a bit of buzz to them, but definitely no noise.
Re: MOOG Muse noisy Oscillators
I had an issue with bleed with my envelopes, or potentially the mixer and it's possible you have a similar issue.
Re: MOOG Muse noisy Oscillators
Are you listening with headphones. The Headphone output is much noisier than the main outs. My triangle basic waveform generates an extra buzz, that i would love to not be there but i cant share the experience of an extra "oceanic" noise.
Re: MOOG Muse noisy Oscillators
I have listened with both speakers and headphones. Both noise generators are off, Also with different power outlets, with or without USB or midi cables in. But no difference. Rebooting makes no difference. Always a white noise on Triangle and square. (triangle perfect) Unfortunately I think it's just a bad unit. I will write to Moog again. I got no response from first emails to Moog support. Thanks for the feedback
Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Nov 25, 2024 5:22 am.