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External audio in gain not matching levels

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:22 am
by stravinski
For awhile, when i first setup my Moog1 i was able to route my alpha juno audio through the M1 line jack successfully. Just a little fiddling with the gain adjustment. After re-arranging my setup, i decided to route the Matriarch in and use it as a lead. Now the audio levels are not close to what they were. Seperately the alpha and the Matriarch levels are good (as per my mixer not needing any gain adjustments ). I have, bien sûr, fiddled with many parameters. Audio in gain, panpot on rear, routing to filters, line/mic settings. Still the Matriarch, which is set to drone at max volume, can only faintly be heard.

Anyone have suggestions of what i may have twiddled in settings somewhere?