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improving MAVIS panel layout (or at least trying)

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 6:11 pm
by mentoool
MASVO nothing.jpg

. less words
. but sometimes more letters (eg. from EG to ENV)
. no curves & shorter arrows (because the longer the arrows, the more the panel design is wrong)
. wavefolding is not an utility (is a state of mind)
. PWM input is wrong, PW input is right
. ∞ rather than ON
. greater separation between patchbay and not-patchbay
. patchbay labels are more clearly connected to their input/output (zoom pictures, please)

; )

Re: improving MAVIS panel layout (or at least trying)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 10:51 am
by stiiiiiiive
Hi Mentool!

I don't have a MAVIS nor a MASVO ;) but I have a couple remarks on your proposition.
The first one is that it makes several knobs have the same labels. It's not a problem when in front of the panl but it makes one thing a bit more teddious: writing and reading the manual.
The second one is that the "MOD MIX" knobs -on the actual MAVIS- are both the leftmost ones each in its section, then come the modulation amount ones. It makes sense in a way... however I totally can see why you placed the MOD AMT under the modulated parameter knob. Just thinking outloud here, not sure I could choose one or the other :)

Re: improving MAVIS panel layout (or at least trying)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:00 pm
by mentoool
since MAVIS is organized in sections (which is nice and clever) it's pretty hard to be confused: the OSC section MOD MIX affects the oscillator, while the VCF section MOD MIX affects the filter, both when reading the panel or the manual

and moving MOD AMT directly below the affected parameter make things even easier

overall, i think that MASVO is cleaner and less manual-dependent, patchbay included ("is it the hole above or the hole below....hmmm")

Re: improving MAVIS panel layout (or at least trying)

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:00 pm
by stiiiiiiive
Manual-wise, what I meant is that instead of mentioning e.g. the "PWM MOD AMT knob", you would have to mention the "MOD AMT knob located in the VCO section under the...": that is less readable in a manual, to me at least.
Panel-wise, yours is quite understandable :)

Re: improving MAVIS panel layout (or at least trying)

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:16 am
by mentoool
i think that "vco MOD AMT knob..." (or "oscillator MOD AMT knob...") would be just fine
there's no need to complicate things, which is what this topic is really about