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Minimoog Voyager RME Filter Frequency, Resonance, and Oscillator octave issues

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:00 pm
by azimpradhan
I am having a problem that I encountered with my minimoog voyager RME. What I have noticed is that on most patches, including the init patch, the filter frequency knob and the filter resonance knob has no effect. To be clear, the filter is still doing it's job, but the frequency knob and the resonance knob have no effect in terms of changing the cut off or the resonance. The filter envelope amount knob works as expected, but the starting frequency of the cut off is not adjustable because the knob doesn't affect the sound.

What is interesting is that as I cycle through different patches, I am able to find an occassional patch, where the filter frequency knob and resonance knob does affect the sound (as they normally would). On such patches, however, the oscillator octave knobs have no effect on oscillators 1, 2, 3. Furthermore, the octave of oscillator 3 is 4 octaves below the octave of oscillators 1 and 2, and there is no way to adjust the octaves of any oscillator independently (as I mentioned).

I have tried doing a factory reset and re-installing the firmware (rme v3.5), but to no avail. Any one else experience this issue? What would you guys suggest doing?

Re: Minimoog Voyager RME Filter Frequency, Resonance, and Oscillator octave issues

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 6:34 pm
by RL
try the init-sound and switch off the touch surface X,Y and A amounts.

Re: Minimoog Voyager RME Filter Frequency, Resonance, and Oscillator octave issues

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 5:45 pm
by azimpradhan
Hi Rudi,

Thanks for your reply. Because this voyager is an RME, it doesn't have an XY pad, so not sure if it is possible to set the X Y and A to 0. I described the issue in detail to Moog over the phone and they said it was most likely a hardware issue and to send it in, so it is currently in Asheville, hopefully getting fixed anytime now. Thanks for your reply

Re: Minimoog Voyager RME Filter Frequency, Resonance, and Oscillator octave issues

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 7:44 am
by Acid Mitch
The RME may not have an X,Y pad built in but it certainly has the settings Rudi describes for X,Y pad. Inputs/outputs for the pad are on the CV expanders (VX351 and VX352). This is so that you can control the RME from another Voyager or CV source of your choice.