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The Source & Kenton Pro Solo triggering

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:26 am
by synopsis
Dear Moog players,

When I try to play my Moog The Source from a midi keyboard, using the Kenton Pro Solo as midi to cv convertor, an essential part of the beauty of The Source's sound disappears, unfortunately. It concerns the transition of one note to another. It seems like there is something missing in the triggering proces, as if the Pro Solo is not able to tell The Source to glue the envelopes of consecutive notes together. Playing The Source from its own keyboard results in much more musical, living sound, compared to playing it through the Pro Solo.

Does anyone maybe know how to solve this issue, which prevents me to control The Source from a midi keyboard and DAW adequately? I already tried different trigger options in the Pro Solo.


Re: The Source & Kenton Pro Solo triggering

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 9:20 am
by till
Welcome to this forum!

I think you can switch the Kenton interface to different trigger modes. The Moog Source and the Minimoog used single trigger. This made legato ("glueing notes together" is a good description) playing possible.

So check the Kenton manual and the value of the "Gate Type Select" parameter.

Re: The Source & Kenton Pro Solo triggering

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 2:39 pm
by synopsis
Hi Till,

Many thanks for your reply!
The Gate Type on the Pro Solo was correctly set to 'S-trig with no pull-up' (S__).
But: your reference to 'legato' helped me to find the solution: the 'Re-trigger Time' on the Pro Solo was set to a number of milliseconds, making playing legato impossible. I set the Re-trigger Time to 'off' and this solved the problem!

There is still a slight difference in playing The Source legato from its own keyboard compared to playing it from a midi keyboard, though: the Filter Contour on The Source seems to have less amplitude when playing from a midi keyboard. Adjusting the Contour Amount on The Source seems to be necessary here.

Thanks again.

Re: The Source & Kenton Pro Solo triggering

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:40 pm
by till
I was shouting into the dark on the Kenton, as I don't own one. But gkad to hear you found the problem.

This filter thing is strange. My guess: The external pitch CV is not routed to the filter as the on board keybed (with active filter tracking.

Test this problem with a sound without filter tracking: Does it now sound alike?
And then edit the very same to use filter tracking, to get the problem again, if it was't present without keytracking cutoff.

Another problem I found when using external MIDI to CV interfaces: The pitch change got on some gear a tiny bit of glide to smooth the D7A output. The analog keybed of the synth itself uses a resistor voltage division technique and changes the CV output very fast. No extra capacitor added.

Re: The Source & Kenton Pro Solo triggering

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:43 pm
by thomasfrank
I suggest adjusting the trigger settings on the Kenton Pro Solo. The Pro Solo has a variety of trigger options, including "Gate," "Trigger," and "S-Trigger."contexto wordle Experiment with different settings to see if any of them improve the transition between notes on your Moog The Source.

Re: The Source & Kenton Pro Solo triggering

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 9:46 pm
by holdseat
I'm triggering my ARP Odyssey mkIII (black/orange) via KENTON PRO Solo mkII (midi to CV converter) using "CV in" and "GATE in" sockets of Odyssey. Everything seems ok, and the Odyssey is playing.
But the problem is: if I play the Odyssey using its own keyboard while the Odyssey itself is connected to Kenton interface - then Odyssey is always playing only one note (the last note received from midi), independently of which key I press :(
Can anyone help me?

Re: The Source & Kenton Pro Solo triggering

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:32 am
by synopsis
Hi holdseat,
The Kenton Pro Solo has programs for specific synths, for example #27 for ARP 2600 "(also Odyssey Mk1 w/ Kenton skts)".
See also
Does this help?

Re: The Source & Kenton Pro Solo triggering

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:02 am
by fasgya30
Before MIDI was created (and after, when processor speeds were slow enough to introduce lag) a lot of synths would rely on a trigger signal, *essentially what are more commonly called "gate" signals now. As an example of how they are specifically useful, I use my TR-606 to trigger my Microbrute sequencer. This way I don't have to punch in the right amount of rests, but can instead just input the notes while playing along naturally to a drum part, then to trigger them tap in the trigger parts (the toms in the case of the 606) at the points in the drum sequence when I want the Microbrute to play. For me this makes it go way faster by allowing me to essentially do it live. Not sure about the AJ2 issue though.
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