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Filtatron sample import issue

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:36 pm
by jelirn
I am having an issue with the Filtatron app on my Ipad.
After coming back to the app after some time away from it, I am now unable to load files into the sampler page.
I press menu, choose the "import" option, and a white screen comes up from the bottom, then goes back down, leaving me back at the sampler page (sometimes the orientation switches 90 degrees in the process).
I tried deleting the app and reinstalling, and tried on another ipad and even a version for my iphone, and the same exact thing occurs.
Is it still possible to load WAVs from my ipad's itunes library directly to the sampler?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. One project I do relies on using my own samplers in the Filtatron sampler a great deal.
thanks very much!