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Grandmother - Arpeggiator out of Sync when Re-engaged

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 4:20 am
by zicinparis
Hello everyone,

I have been reading you guys since I bought my Grandmother (my first Moog !) about 5 months ago and today is my first post ! :)

I am syncing my Grandmother’s clock using Logic Pro X (via USB), with the setting ‘Pattern – Quantized clock start based on pattern length’.
So far I was always starting the clock (i.e. starting to play in Logic) with the Grandma’s arpeggiator already engaged. Doing so, Grandmother’s clock was nicely synced all along with Logic, rate light flashing green and rate knob setting to various subdivision of the clock. Great ! :D

BUT, recently, for a song where I need to disengage the arpeggiator and re-engage it later (while the clock keeps running in the background), I noticed that the clock was not syncing anymore with Logic.
The rate light turns green again, tempo is correct but the clock is synced from the moment I push the 'Arp' button on the Grandma and not synced with Logic.
I have tried the different MIDI sync settings in Logic and also the 3 different ‘Midi Clock Input’ settings from the Grandmother. No success... :?

I am clearly not a specialist in Midi settings and I barely understand how it works.
I hope someone can tell me why but most importantly how the get the arpeggiator synced with Logic when engaging it after having started the clock in Logic (that’s a long sentence ! :D )

Thanks in advance


Re: Grandmother - Arpeggiator out of Sync when Re-engaged

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:15 am
by qlusterduck
Hiya Nic,

Did you have any luck sorting this out? It appears to have started happening to me too. I suspect it has something to do with Logic Sync settings but haven't fully figured it out yet.
