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MP3 - Compare MMV to LP

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 3:17 pm
by Nick Montoya

For all you who asked I did a very quick comparison of the MMV vs the LP..

It is uploaded to the Phatsound page at : ... 3%20clips/

I took an Electric Blue MMV preset "Ripper Bass" (A46) and did my best to program it into the LP.. They sound very close !

Also take into consideration that I got 2 of the first 15, which have the high s/n ratio.. But it still sounds damn good, huh.. I havent sent em back yet, cuz I'm just too attached at the moment.. But they will go back soon.. But the problem as you can hear is not debilitating to the synth...

Hope this is some help for those of you that requested a side by side..

- Nick

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:19 pm
just outta curiousity, is the LP you're using one of the first 15? i noticed alot of the fabled line noise in the second sample with the phatty. if so, is that what it sounds like before or after the fix? if it's later than #15, is that what it normally sounds like?

thanks for droppin the comparison, good stuff. :)

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:16 pm
by MarkM
Nice samples Nick. Now I would like to hear something that the Little Phatty can do that the Voyager can't.

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:13 am
by eric coleridge
Ii hope I'm not being presumptious or asking too much, but could you, if you have an opportunity, record some side by side examples of your Mini D and Little Phatty?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:52 am
by writeroxie
CTRLSHFT wrote:just outta curiousity, is the LP you're using one of the first 15? i noticed alot of the fabled line noise in the second sample with the phatty. if so, is that what it sounds like before or after the fix?
/\ read his entire post /\

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:08 am
by goldphinga
Hey man, thanks for the clip; very interesting.

BUT.....doesnt sound like the volumes were properly matched hence its not a very easy comparison. The Lp is considerably louder and also the patch more detuned than the voyager.

I would say the LP had a more alive quality based on this test, but the extra volume makes things sound a lot "better" as we all know. Its really hard to tell as your mp3s are such different volumes.

Also did you use the overdrive control on the LP for this patch?


Dan G

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:01 pm
by writeroxie
goldphinga wrote:Hey man, thanks for the clip; very interesting.

BUT.....doesnt sound like the volumes were properly matched hence its not a very easy comparison. The Lp is considerably louder and also the patch more detuned than the voyager.

I would say the LP had a more alive quality based on this test, but the extra volume makes things sound a lot "better" as we all know. Its really hard to tell as your mp3s are such different volumes.

Also did you use the overdrive control on the LP for this patch?


Dan G
wow, i thought the exact same thing when i listened earlier this morning. the slight detuning definitely adds or maybe takes away from the comparison... and the louder volume makes the LP sound bigger (better?).

It's sort of like when they show 'before' and 'after' pictures for cosmetic surgery and new diet testees. the 'before' photos are always black and white, frowning, dismal mutants, while the 'after' pictures are always professionally shot, with a big smile, and sun shining in the background.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:46 pm
by Jazzpunk
writeroxie wrote:wow, i thought the exact same thing when i listened earlier this morning. the slight detuning definitely adds or maybe takes away from the comparison... and the louder volume makes the LP sound bigger (better?).

It's sort of like when they show 'before' and 'after' pictures for cosmetic surgery and new diet testees. the 'before' photos are always black and white, frowning, dismal mutants, while the 'after' pictures are always professionally shot, with a big smile, and sun shining in the background.
I'd have to disagree...seems more like when there are free samples at the grocery store and somebody starts complaining about the taste or there's not enough to stuff there face with (actually seen that!).

Nick was kind enough to provide the samples. Take a second and throw the file into your DAW and check out the 'normalize' plug in. Should do wonders for the volume issue if that is throwing you.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:48 pm
by Keyboard Komuso
I'm with you guys on this one. I appreciate the comparison, but would like to hear them equally represented. Got to admit though, I had a Phatty on order and bailed at the last minute for a Voyager SOLAR! I'm sure the LP is a sweet little beasty, but I'm old school and wanted something more like the original "Mini" I so fondly remember my heroes/idols playing back in the day. Though who am I trying to kid...I'm gonna end up with both! :D

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:25 pm
by Nick Montoya
Well guys..

Thanks.. I did this comparison very VERY quickly..

Slightly out tune? Maybe...
A little louder? maybe...

I didn't know you guys were gonna break out the oscilliscopes ;) Just kiddin' ....

To tell you the truth, the Phattys output is a bit louder... I had both synths @ 5 (12 o clock) ... I set the volume to the same setting, but decible wise, it is different...

No overdrive was used on the Phatty...

I did not intend to make one synth sound better than the other, it was merely a hastily thrown together comparison I did in few minutes by ear...

I love my Moogs and the company... I would never go as far to say the LP is better than the Voayger or vice versa.. They are both great and have a very similar touch and feel...

Next time I do a comparison I will actually view all parameters exactly and program it as best I can..

But what it all boils down to is the LP does sound as good as the Voyager, it just lacks the bells and whistles of the Voyagers knob per function, touch screen and intense mod buss...

Just cuz I didn't do an exact comparison, doesn't mean it can't be done.. I'm sure one of you could do this much better than I can..

(and thats all that matters :) )

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:29 pm
by Keyboard Komuso
BRAVO to that one, NICK!

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:08 pm
by writeroxie
ahh, i knew i'd catch some bleep for chiming in too. i should've thanked Nick at the end of my post... but if the volumes were both at '5', then thats an accurate comparison. good to know. i just feel like the detuned-ness of the sound is fairly obvious, and the patch may've sounded even CLOSER if it had just been tweaked. I understand it was a quick comparison, and thats cool... most people wouldnt take the time to do one. i hope you'll do some more too.

ps - and Nick, OF COURSE the synth-geeks on this board are going to break out the oscilliscopes! :)

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:27 am
by Jazzpunk
No bleep intended :)

I love these types of comparisons though it inevitably makes me just want Phatty down, one Voyager to go!