Voyager Sys Ex Data Format Changed?

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Voyager Sys Ex Data Format Changed?

Post by Dave_D » Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:47 pm

Why would my Voyager's sysex data format change?

Today, I discovered that my Voyager isn't responding to panel sounds I recorded (Master > Send Panel Sound) a few months ago. So, I re-recorded one of the same panel sounds and compared the two sysex dumps - they're quite different! For starters, the older sysex file is 99 bytes long whereas the newer file is just 94 bytes long. It's no wonder my Voyager doesn't understand the older sysex dumps - the data format has changed!

I can't recall any modifications to my Voyager that would account for this. I re-installed the OS via the Voyager Editor program (Voyager Editor > Help > Moog Voyager OS Update 3.5) but was already on v3.5, so it shouldn't have changed anything. [I was checking to see if reloading the OS would restore the factory patches. It didn't.] I don't recall any other updates (e.g., firmware), but my memory isn't perfect. And maybe Voyager Editor updated the firmware automatically without telling me?

Being that the current sysex panel sound dump size is smaller than before, I'm worried that my Voyager was somehow downgraded. If that's the case, I definitely need to get it back up to speed, whether it's an OS thing, firmware thing, or some other thing. I have no idea.

Here's factory preset G23, "School Bass" recorded a few months ago:
Factory Preset "School Bass" Panel Sound sysex dump #1, recorded a few months ago.  File length:  99 bytes.
Factory Preset "School Bass" Panel Sound sysex dump #1, recorded a few months ago. File length: 99 bytes.
And here's the same factory preset recorded today:
Factory Preset "School Bass" Panel Sound sysex dump #2, recorded today.  File length:  94 bytes.
Factory Preset "School Bass" Panel Sound sysex dump #2, recorded today. File length: 94 bytes.
Any assistance is appreciated.

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Re: Voyager Sys Ex Data Format Changed?

Post by MC » Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:03 pm

The format didn't change.

There's two ways to send a sysex patch (I forget the menu commands). One included the patch number, the other did not. That's why there is a difference in length. The shorter sysex file omits the patch number. I didn't learn this until I submitted a patch to the Yahoo group.

I don't have the extended memory of the newer Voyagers, but I'm guessing the longer sysex file (which includes the patch number) may be stored under the same patch number but another bank.
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Re: Voyager Sys Ex Data Format Changed?

Post by RL » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:09 pm

MC, you're right:
the first example is a preset dump and the second one is a panel dump.
You can see that on byte 4: 2=panel dump and 3=single preset dump

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Re: Voyager Sys Ex Data Format Changed?

Post by Dave_D » Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:36 pm

Aha! That explains it perfectly.

For the record, I started out by backing up preset dumps with my DAW projects but later realized that panel dumps are more flexible and reliable, especially when working with projects that have one or more Voyager overdubs. For example, the way Cubase forces all of my Voyager tracks to the same program is a bloody nuisance, but this SysEx workaround fixes everything. Forget the MIDI Program Change commands - it's all about the SysEx. Now, if only every hardware synth employed a temporary RAM/"panel" program like the Voyager does. So brilliant.

Thank you!!!

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Re: Voyager Sys Ex Data Format Changed?

Post by Pavan355 » Wed Sep 02, 2020 1:58 pm

Hey guys,
That sysex file should be all banks and patches. I believe that on he Voyager you can choose to receive all banks. I use on a Mac Sysex librarian. That should allow you to send the file to he Voyager.

Getting all your patches from your Voyager into this patch I think you would need the sound tower librarian. It outputs the files one at a time. When you dump all patches from the Voyager it outputs the patches in one large file that I don't know how to decipher.

Are you using a Mac or a PC?
Waiting for your suggestions, thank you.

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