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Dust problems in rackmounted MFs?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:17 pm
by Kirneh Ness
I have just rack mounted my six Moogerfoogers (and the CP251 in its own mount) - never thought it would happen, but I think I will use them more creatively now. Well, taking off the wooden ears of each center fooger did hurt a little, but I get that it is more aesthetically pleasing to have them off. Now my worry is that the mount actually leaves a non-negligible space between the wood from the left and right foogers' wood and the center "woodless" fooger. I will imagine that dues will crawl happily into the center foogers.

Are my worries exaggerated? Will some accumulation of dust over the years not hurt?

Thanks for any response.

PS: I understand why Moog doesn't have their instructions for rack mounting on line. They were downright horrendous. In particular the CP-251 one, where it is just mentioned at the end that the power plug should be moved to the back. But not how. And in the instructions for the big rack, this is not mentioned at all, which could be unfortunate if one wanted to put on several CPs. Well, I managed, and everything looks rad.

Re: Dust problems in rackmounted MFs?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:17 am
by kn_s
I have worried about this as well as I have racked the 6 of my 7 foogers between 2 different tabletop racks. my minitaur is on the top of the one rack and the cp251 on the top of the other. Honestly I have not inspected the dust status of them since they've been racked but I do put an old bed sheet as a cover for them. Instead of removing the center fooger panels I removed the panels from the left and right foogers and kept the center foogers panels.the gaps are still there but on the left and right foogers instead. Agreed the instructions are cryptic esp for changing the cp251 plug location. I also think the vague instructions is why I decided to do things that way, but also I have an all white mf105 and I wanted to keep both white panels on its central location in the one rack. Things are much more ready to go for me being racked. Except I'm still trying to figure a efficient way to get all the wall warts together instead of spacing them between 2 power strips