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Micromoog & multimoog with Moog 15

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:16 pm
by elcatllar
I have the opportunity to buy for a reasonable price one micromoog or multimoog.
I am looking to get a keyboard that can provide among other features; one extra LFO, to leave the 921 in the 15 for audio purposes, bender....and this 2 synths seems to me good options.
Of course the fact to have + one or two (multimoog) extra oscillators + sub osci will be great.
Any comments about this 2 options and/or the way to connect this synths to me moog 15?
Thank you in advance.

Re: Micromoog & multimoog with Moog 15

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:58 pm
by MC
Those are very good companions for modulars. Lots of interfacing.

The CV tracking might be a little weird - they were scaled at 0.98 v/oct which stumped many users. The consensus behind that design decision was that there usually is some voltage loss between a controller and the CV input.

Re: Micromoog & multimoog with Moog 15

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:30 am
by elcatllar
Thank you for the info.
I appreciate a lot.

Re: Micromoog & multimoog with Moog 15

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:30 pm
by EricK
Micro vs multimoog is an interesting dilemma to choose between. You might want to go multimoog on this one because they are more rare and if you are going to be using it to interface with a 15, the wider range will benefit you there. Look for an attenuator on the rear next to the keboard output. Earlier model micromoogs don't have this.

The aftertouch on the multi isn't all its cracked up to be but if you have the opportunity and its in good condition then go for it!

You will take the Keyboard output from the micro/multi and connect that to the frequency control input on the 921a (You'll need to multiply that to get the 921 to track as a 3rd oscillator) Then you should be able to take the S-trig output and connect that to the envelopes on the 15 just like you would if you took it from the front panel on your 15 if you connected a keyboard to the rear Amphenol connector.

If you want the modulation capabilities, then you are going to have to find someone to make a cable that will allow you to externalize the modulation output from the micromoog. See page 73 and 74 in the micromoog owner's manual.

Here's a video of my micromoog controlling some Moslab oscillators. I have the 901 and the 921 series. The 921s are about 7:50 in.

Re: Micromoog & multimoog with Moog 15

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:23 am
by sunny pedaal
I have a multimoog and cotk system 15
The aftertouch of the multi is great !
Biggest problem is it does also send out 0.98vt/oct as masterkeyboard
Therefor a simple attentuator doesn't work , it has to be amplified