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Little phatty and yellow keys

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 4:24 pm
by weary
I bought new white little phatty about two years ago,but the keys already turned yellow.
It's soooooo awful!!! :( My voyager's keys stay white more than five years!
Wrote to moog tech support and got this response:
"Moving forward, this is a question we get often from customers with older keyboards. This is a natural part of the aging process and there are remedies to restore the white of the keys without needing any invasive work done to the keyboard. Below I have copied a link to a website that will walk you through various methods for cleaning aged plastic, I recommend the peroxide method. You can also try doing an internet search for “yellowing plastic” and see what turns up. We unfortunately do not have any spare Little Phatty keyboards that we can sell you."

What?!! Moog synths are consumable now? 2 y.o. - older synth?!!
I have 2 y.o. white synth with yellowed keys and there's no way to get spare keys. No way!
I don't want to clean keyboard by peroxide every two years as long as they will turn into dust.
Is there any way to get new little phatty keys?

Re: Little phatty and yellow keys

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:33 pm
by Stuka
Maybe the environment you're keeping it in has some impact on the yellowing keys?

I keep my Little Phatty in a smoke-free air conditioned room, and keep a dust cover on it when not in use.
I bought it new 3 years ago, and it still looks fine.

Re: Little phatty and yellow keys

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:09 pm
by nathanscribe
Yeah, mine have yellowed a fair bit, but it lives by a window and gets more sun than it should.

I'm more concerned about the decaying rubber coating on my pitch and mod wheels...

Re: Little phatty and yellow keys

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:08 am
by Novem808
Sunlight and Moogs don't mix. All my gear is in a UV free zone, as is my AV system for this very reason. Take
A look at some Minimoog d listings on eBay, and it's really easy to tell which ones were parked in front of a window and which ones were in a dark room ( studio ) and the keys and wood condition can make a synth worth a lot less based on visual condition alone!


Re: Little phatty and yellow keys

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:24 pm
by CRJ
i bet this yellowing is making it sound terrible! :)

buy a dust cover, and embrace the vintage key sound!

Re: Little phatty and yellow keys

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 3:48 am
by b1tw1se
I recently pulled my little phatty out of storage and discovered yellow keys. An explanation I found was that UV reacts with bromine in the plastic causing this discoloration but hydrogen peroxide can rejuvenate it! Check out this guy's tutorial: