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Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:54 am
by ChiLam
Hi people,

I'm reaching out for som help here. I know this is the Phatty forum but I noticed there are some Minibrute owners here too and I have not been able to get any response from any avenue with Arturia or their forums/support. I do own a Sub 37 so I hope I won't be in trouble for posting here. I'm desperate now.

I just recieved a new Minibrute back after 5 weeks of being away for "repair"

This new unit behaves exactly as the last. Can anyone please test this out and let me know.

1. Turn all OSCs + noise + sub OSC + audio input fully down to achieve silence
2. Turn Main volume up
3. Open Filter Cut-off fully + No resonance (bypass)
4. Turn LFO AMP all the way to either minus or plus sign

Can you hear the LFO making a high pitch sound???

I need to know if this is happening for all Minibrutes or just a select few!

Many Thanks

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:45 am
by MoogProg
It does sound like you are asking a lot from the MiniBrute, turning the Main Volume all the way up and listening for noise. Is it really a problem, something so loud it affects your music? I tried something similar with my MicroBrute just now and it also has noise. I didn't hear the LFO whining specifically, but yeah lots of noise.

I enjoy the MB very much, but it is what it is. Examined for its best qualities, it can do quite a lot for small change. I tend to forgive the limitations and shortcomings I find because it brings me so much joy. Cheers.

EDIT: I can hear it, the swooping noise of the LFO but I needed to turn up a good step past normal listening levels, and also use phones.

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:37 pm
by ChiLam
Thanks alot for checking this out on your Micro! Appreciated :wink:

The thing is, it seems I need to turn my Minibrute up quite a lot to get a decent level from it in comparison to the Sub37 for example which gives a good level at less than halfway!

EDIT: The minbrute Main Vol only need to be about half way to hear this extra harmonic!!

The beating from the LFO I can live with, though others have responded on another forum to say that they don't even hear the beating. The tone I hear is at around "B" above middle C. It is there using the sine, tri, and ramp LFO shapes but dissapears using square, s&H, or random shapes!? The beating remains audible with all shapes, headphones or other- it remains even if the filter is closed completely. Adjusting the LFO amt knob also makes a papery/crackle/hiss sound which was what first alerted my attention.

Your probably right though - it's not a major problem but I thought it was a little odd. I can definitely work around it if i'm careful setting levels and not pushing the LFO amt too far or making adjustments to it whilst recording/performing. This does seem a bit limiting though and I just didn't expect an LFO to produce a high tone.

Wether you consider 500 quid as small change is another matter - I certainly don't! :oops:

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:48 pm
by MoogProg
ChiLam seems I need to turn my Minibrute up quite a lot to get a decent level from it in comparison to the Sub37 for example which gives a good level at less than halfway!

Wether you consider 500 quid as small change is another matter - I certainly don't! :oops:
Well, I bought the Micro on sale, and at half ^that price, so I'm happy. But yeah, it does not put out the juice like the Sub37. But consider yourself lucky, the Dr-Synth I also use puts out the weakest level of any synth ever!

Maybe I never thought much about the MB because I already struggle with a 'runt in the mixer'.

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:01 pm
by ChiLam
MoogProg wrote:
ChiLam wrote:
Well, I bought the Micro on sale, and at half ^that price, so I'm happy. But yeah, it does not put out the juice like the Sub37. But consider yourself lucky, the Dr-Synth I also use puts out the weakest level of any synth ever!

Maybe I never thought much about the MB because I already struggle with a 'runt in the mixer'.
Lol, even my Yamaha PSS-170 is a wild boar to the Minibrute- I actually have to turn that down to 25% to avoid drowning the "brute" out!

Stranger still is that i'm getting reports from others now who say they don't even hear the LFO beating let alone a higher note along with it? It makes me think it really is a fault rather than design limitation. Worst part is returning it again is really not something I want to go through again...oh deary me.

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:28 pm
by MoogProg
Sorry to hear you are in a conundrum about returning the MB, and stuck wondering if it will actually work for your musical plans. :(

Mine stays at home, on the desk, patched up to which ever Minifoogers aren't on the guitar 'board. It does not gig, or even go to band practice, or the recording studio, etc. (but every studio should have one). In its realm, it inspires me often.

Then the Sub37 comes in to get the job done. 8)

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:00 pm
by ChiLam
Appreciate the concern! :wink:

I really like the Brute musically - it is fun and immediate! I just wish I could find out for certain if it was fautly or not. If only Arturia would respond to their support tickets or had a phone line to speak to someone. It would take very little time to clear this up. Alas - I live far from any stores which stock these kind of instruments otherwise I would just go and speak to somebody directly. Next time Im in Oslo I guess I'll try.

Thanks again for the response! And yes, with a Sub37 its even less of an issue I guess. :)

Anyone else with a Minibrute can shed more light perhaps?

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:54 pm
by JonLukas
I had a MiniBrute (the original version) and returned it.

It was wonderful and impressive in all the ways people say...but I found that tuning was an issue. I wanted to do sweeping multi-octave arpeggios, and they notes at the top of the scale just were not in tune enough for's been while but I think it was 7 cents or more off in the higher registers. From what I gleaned online, this was about as close as one could hope, but maybe some units are better than others (they are apparently hand-calibrated).

However, if you're using it for melodies that stay within a tight range, you can probably tune it pretty well for the register you are using at the moment.

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:44 am
by MoogProg
I took my time with a Peterson and small driver to dial in the widest range I could using the calibration screws on the back. But, I tend to stay inside the key-bed range. In fact, I've gotten pretty good at ripping it up on those micro-keys. ...often appreciate the extra reach. LOL Also, I leave it ON most of the time to keep it warm. The recent Arctic Blast dropped me slightly out of tune, tho. In the end, the Moog just sounds so much better, more highs, more lows, more character and motion to the sound.

I see the MicroBrute ending up on my guitar pedalboard, perhaps set up on a music stand. Idea is, I could use the sequencer and CV outs to create really cool effects from the Minifooger pedals. Kind of a poor man's MIDIMurf.

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:09 am
by Mantrak
I just checked on my Minibrute and yes, works exactly as you described. It looks normal to me. If you add Brute Factor you will get some pretty awesome tectonic noises.

Working at the edge of "normal synth specs" and even going beyond is the main feature of Minibrute design. That is the whole point, that is where the the fun starts. So, enjoy!

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:18 am
by ChiLam
Thanks so much for checking this! :wink:

Good to know its normal and nothing to be worried about :D


Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:44 pm
by mmarsh100
There is an extensive thread on the Minibrute forum on this. It is normal behavior for its architecture :)

Re: Minibrute + Sub 37

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:21 pm
by ChiLam
mmarsh100 wrote:There is an extensive thread on the Minibrute forum on this. It is normal behavior for its architecture :)
I had already searched the forum quite exhaustively and yes there are several threads about the LFO amp. I could be wrong but I think the thread you mention is primarily about the "popping" or beating LFO noise and not the high pitch harmonic. That is the only thread in which someone from Arturia confirms that it is due to the architecture, but they are discussing the popping sound specifically and not the high pitch noise.

Then you find threads like this... ... #msg117456

Which describes exactly what I was concerned about only there is no conclusive statement from Arturia.

Believe me, posting here was not the first port of call - I have tried contacting them directly using every route available and eventually I recieved confirmation from tech support (following me providing audio examples) telling me that a main board would need replacing and that I should send it in to repair! I did this and after five weeks the store decided to send me a new unit instead. That is why I am, or was, a little confused over this. :D