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Looking for a good guitar tech!!

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:54 pm
by jeff08
I recently purchased an E1 - it needs a good setup, including adjustment of the pickups. My local tech (at a well-known music store that is an authorized Moog dealer) doesn't have experience with the Moog guitar. He did a decent "general" set-up, but I'm still having problems with the pickups, and the sound basically sucks. In certain settings, I'm not getting any output from the 1st and 2nd strings, and when I do get it to sound, it's horrible. Sounds like a crappy banjo, even in the full sustain mode.

After calling around, I'm finding that most Moog dealerships don't have techs experienced at using or setting up the E1. This really sucks, because it's clearly not enough to be experienced in setting up "typical" electric guitars. I'm an experienced musician with a fair amount of techinical knowledge, but this thing is a beyond my expertise.

I live in Madison, Wis. I'm more than willing to drive to the Twin Cities, Milwaukee, or Chicago, to find a tech experienced with the E1. I'd really like to avoid shipping my guitar for a set-up, as I'd like to meet with the tech face-to-face.

Any advice?

Thanks much,


Re: Looking for a good guitar tech!!

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:11 pm
by cliffman
That sounds like your guitar is broken, honestly.
I don't think there is anything pickup adjustment-related that could cause the sound to be that bad.
I would not expect anybody outside of Moog to have knowledge of the Vo Power goop,
so best bet would be to contact Moog directly and get it fixed, especially since it is a recent purchase.

One question - are the dead strings coming from the piezo side? afaik the mag pickups
provide only a monophonic signal, so it sounds like the piezo bit might be busted.

I know it sucks to ship the guitar, but Moog support is quite good and you can have a
phone-to-phone with the tech - they give good phone. I shipped mine back for the 13-pin
retrofit and they were very prompt and communicative.

Re: Looking for a good guitar tech!!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:24 pm
by ark
The following information may help:

The low E string should be 3/32 inches from both pickups. The high E string should be 3/64 from the neck pickup and 1/32 from the bridge pickup. Each string should be the same distance from the pickup across the entire width of the pickup. All strings should be 1/16 inch above the 12th fret. If needed to avoid buzzing, the low E string can be as high as 5/64 inch.