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Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:14 am
by Alien8
:lol: MOOG'd :shock:

You get your best friend at the bank machine... drop hints along the way to the punch line, like everytime (s)he presses buttons on the machine they are different moog sounds. Then, right when the cash is about to come out, you blast them with the most annoying sound possible at an almost deafening level so they run away from the machine... then someone steals their money from the bank machine and runs away.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:52 pm
by dr_floyd
The following was posted today on the Loopers Delight list:

"I just returned from the Ethermusic Festival, sponsered by Moog Music,
in Asheville, NC.

Prior to my set on Thursday night, Jason Danillo from Moog Music
expertly demo'd a new product from Moog Music that is simply called:
"The Moog Guitar".

I am not a guitarist myself however I was very impressed with what I
learned and heard about this product. I run the risk of sounding like
a "salesperson" however I want to share with you what I learned and
heard regarding the Moog Guitar.

My first impression of this instrument is that it was an electric
guitar with built in (software driven) fx in the body of the guitar.
And I would add, super CLEAN fx. And the infinite sustain, for
example, was INFINITE with no noise, glitches, etc. However, my guess
about the theory of operation was mistaken.

The guitar utilizes built-in ebows -- I'm not sure how many are built
into the guitar however there is a least one per string. As many
readers here know, the ebow imparts energy to a string to set it into
vibration and keep it vibrating forever. The engineers at Moog took
things to another level -- for ebow technology can do the opposite: it
can be used to remove energy from a string, too.

Each string is independently settable -- some can sustain, others can
sound in the normal (unsustained manner), others can produce a
staccatto pluck -- in fact, on of the sounds is a strum followed by a
bow. This is all user-settable. Jason strummed a chord and as the
chord died down a "bowed string chorus" came up -- as if an entire
string section was doubling Jason's guitar part.

My first thought was: Ohhh... my looping friends would LOVE this. And
the tone was really clean. During Jason's demo, he mentioned that
some people can't believe that this is all being done on the strings
until he unplugs the guitar and folks listen to the strings themselves.

I look forward to hearing the "buzz" about this product among the
looping community as well as the theremin community (which includes
many guitarists and loopers).

While ebows have been around for awhile, this new product takes things
to another level.

Best wishes to Moog Music. May the new Moog Guitar inspire many
musicians and be another success story for Moog Music.

All the best to one and all.

-- Kevin"

vox guitar organ

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:34 pm
by diecapsule

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:45 pm
by ColorForm2113
i love those guitars, even the regular phantoms. i hope to have one some day..maybe a double neck guitar with one moog guitar and one vox guitar organ LOL

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 10:51 pm
by willi
Can't wait for an official announcement..

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 5:24 pm
by ramechling
Be sure your Sweetwater sales rep is sitting down when they look up the proposed selling price of the "mythical" Moog guitar.
My rep just passed out cold.
Remember when we laughed at the pricetag on the digital Les Paul ?
Good news is that the MoogGuitar probably will include the MP-201.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 1:53 am
by ColorForm2113
dada wrote:Well I had high hopes for the new Roland VG99 because it places a bit more of an emphasis on synth models than the other VG boxes and all the tracking tech is apparently improved.

Demo'd one in a store yesterday. It was .. very underwhelming.

So, roll on the Mootar or Guitoog or whatever it is!
MOOTAR! Thats F'n Brilliant! Im imagining a cow hooked up to some pedals and an amp LOL!

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 2:46 am
by HB3
dada wrote:Well I had high hopes for the new Roland VG99 because it places a bit more of an emphasis on synth models than the other VG boxes and all the tracking tech is apparently improved.

Demo'd one in a store yesterday. It was .. very underwhelming.
Not to get too off topic, but how come?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 5:47 pm
Sorry to hear you were underwhelming with the VG-99.
I have had nothing but great results with it once building sounds from scratch.
I have recorded three pages of VG-99 clips in different styles.
Once far away from factory presets I was overwhelmed! ... tent=music

Bill Ruppert

dada wrote:Well I had high hopes for the new Roland VG99 because it places a bit more of an emphasis on synth models than the other VG boxes and all the tracking tech is apparently improved.

Demo'd one in a store yesterday. It was .. very underwhelming.

So, roll on the Mootar or Guitoog or whatever it is!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:05 pm
by HB3
Not because I'm stubborn but because everything that pitch tracking dislikes about the guitar is what the guitar is about imho.
That's a good way of putting it. I was hoping they'd solved the tracking problem, but I guess not.