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Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:22 pm
by mxz174
Hi there,

I've scoured the internet but have not yet found an answer to this question...

Does the Moog Filtatron work with the Apogee JAM interface?

I'm trying to decide which interface to get for my ipad and I've read that the JAM has much better sound quality than other interfaces. It uses the digit I/O through the bottom port while many others simply use the headphone jack.

I know that the JAM works well with Garage Band, but I would also want to use my interface on the Filtatron. Can anyone confirm with the Apogee JAM works with the Filtatron?

I'm not sure if Moog only allows input through the headphone jack or if the app allows input through the Digital I/O


Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:50 pm
by reidjazz
I discovered ... 01_s00_i01, a USB 7.1 surroundsound adapter that has S/PDIF IN/OUT. I can go straight out of my iPad with this (via the Apple Camera Connection Kit) into my MacBook Pro's optical IN. The sound is KILLIN' and there is ZERO latency. I also can go into the S/PDIF IN on my M-Audio 410 audio interface and out to a sound system for live performance...

Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:55 pm
by nancarrow
I own Iphone4. I really want to know best way to get a Line input into Filtatron, (NOT a microphone).
More importantly, I want to know best way for my iPod4 running Animoog to output this signal into the iphone4 which is running Filtatron.
I have heard iphone4 and ipod4 do not allow audio input via 30 pin. But if I use the headphone/mic 3.5mm, both devices try to output signal, so neither allows input.

Seems a shame I can't use these amazing apps together.


Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:01 am
by nancarrow
I cant seem to get the headphone jack to input anything into Filtatron. As soon as I plug a 3.5mm cable into this jack, my iphone4 "thinks" it is an output cable, so nothing come INto the filtatron. it only outputs a signal via this port. I tried using this port and running animoog on my ipod4 output from headphones of ipod4 into headphone jack of iphone4 running Filtatron, and Filtatron recognized no input.

Please help!

Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:30 am
by Stuka
This worked pretty well for me with my iPhone 3GS:

Also, using the Alesis iO Dock for my iPad - works great with Animoog!
Audio and MIDI In/Out working great!

Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:34 am
by nancarrow
Stuka wrote:This worked pretty well for me with my iPhone 3GS:
Stuka- have you used this Tascam specifically with Filtatron, and it works as an INPUT source?

Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:47 pm
by nancarrow
Stuka wrote:This worked pretty well for me with my iPhone 3GS:
Reading the reviews in Amazon for the Tascam iXz, it appears that it is plagued by two big problems:
1. Noise when headphones are plugged in to monitor sound.
2. iXz does NOT provide zero latency monitoring.

Both problems would make the item useless to me.

Do you have any firsthand experience that confirms or denies these claims?

Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:34 pm
by Stuka
Not really, but in all honesty I haven't spent a lot of time trying out the different iOS device combinations.
I could see where that could be a problem for "pro" use.

Since I got the iO Dock for the iPad, most of my apps have used that device arrangement, and zero issues so far...

Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:49 pm
by Stuka
nancarrow wrote:
Stuka wrote:This worked pretty well for me with my iPhone 3GS:
Stuka- have you used this Tascam specifically with Filtatron, and it works as an INPUT source?
I'll check it out again this weekend, and see what, if any, issues I run in to...

iPhone / Tascam iXZ / FILTATRON test...

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:11 pm
by Stuka
nancarrow wrote:
Stuka wrote:This worked pretty well for me with my iPhone 3GS:
Reading the reviews in Amazon for the Tascam iXz, it appears that it is plagued by two big problems:
1. Noise when headphones are plugged in to monitor sound.
2. iXz does NOT provide zero latency monitoring.

Both problems would make the item useless to me.

Do you have any firsthand experience that confirms or denies these claims?
OK, here's my setup and test results using my TASCAM iXZ, connected to my iPhone 3GS running Filtatron.
"Headphone Out" from the iXZ connected directly my 2.1 Logitech sound system that is part of my "hobby" studio.

"Audio In" to the iXZ was from the mono output of my Roland Ax-Synth.
(Audio input is MONO ONLY, 1/4"/XLR combo jack. Didn't have a patch cable to attach the iPad as the input...)

Results: (updated after additional testing)
Works - but audio levels of the input device are VERY low compared to the Filtatron samples!

Studio quality?
Probably not, at least not without some DAW or hardware processing - but then, the setup relies on a multi-purpose smartphone using a 1/8" multi-purpose jack, so that's probably to be expected!

Overly noisy?
Not to my ears - but I need to caveat that I've had many years of exposure to classic rock, automatic weapons, and jet engine noise exposure, so... :lol:

Truthfully, for giging, jam sessions etc., I personally think it works fine, provided you can boost the signal. The iXZ IS battery powered, so battery condition could impact noise levels. Also, the iPhone / iXZ signal path is obviously not the most efficient in the world, so running through a mixer and cleaning up the signal with the EQ section (in addition to the signal gain increase) wouldn't hurt.

The biggest problem will probably be connecting the signal path - the iXZ to iOS device cable is ony about 8", so that could present a little bit of a challenge.

Overall, for the price of the iXZ and Filtatron, I can't complain - works pretty good!
The Filtatron is a cool but strange little app, so it takes a bit of tinkering to get a feel for what it can really do. And truthfully, to me it seems it's strength seems to be the way it can process recorded samples, versus processing live audio. (But that's probably an input signal device issue more than a Filtatron issue)

I don't own a Phatty yet - some day! - but it is cool that the Filtatron controls look and act very much like the Phatty's!!


OK, the iXZ "works", but the signal levels are a definite issue.
It is relatively inexpensive.

The iU2, though considerably more expensive, is a MUCH better solution, in my book: ... 30#p107430

Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 1:47 am
by nancarrow
Thanks for running the test for me. I appreciate you taking the time!

Well, based on your results, I guess at this point I'm not sold on audio input via iphone4 headphone jack. I really wish there was a more quality (and even stereo) way to do so via 30-pin.

I ran across this article- ... cessories/

This seems to suggest that in fact there are several audio input devices that work on iPhone 4...

Though this runs contrary to everything people have posted on this moog forum.

I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and buy a 30-pin device and see for myself... Though they are all in the $100+ range for the "good" ones.

Crossing my fingers....

Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:53 pm
by Stuka
Good news & a proven solution for "legacy" iOS devices (iPad 2, 3; iPhone 4): ... 30#p107430


Digital Audio From iDevice to DAW using AirPlay

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:41 pm
by smcdow
I'm very much interested in creating an all-digital audio pathway from iPad/Animoog into my DAW (Logic Pro) for real-time recording.

I had a brainwave -- I could use the iPad's AirPlay output, stream that to AirServer ( running on my Mac, then use Soundflower ( to route the audio into Logic Pro. That gets me an all-digital audio pathway all the way into Logic. Yay!

I installed AirServer on my Mac and got it running -- very simple to do. I did a test run by pointing the iPad's AirPlay output to the AirServer instance and pointing AirServer's output to the Mac's internal speakers (I could also point the output to Soundflower to complete the path to the DAW).

I fired up Animoog on the iPad and ... it worked! ... sort of.

The problem is that there is a massive lag from when I manually play a note on Animoog to when I hear the sound on the Mac. The lag is nearly two seconds. It makes manual, real-time playing of Animoog impossible.

I've noticed the same lag when I use AirPlay to stream Spotify to an Airport Express that I use as a poor man's Sonos. Spotify would display a new image, and then about two seconds later the new song would start playing. This never bothered me because I'm just listening to music, and as long as the stream is intact, the lag isn't a problem.

The lag won't be a problem if you just want to play back a recording on Animoog for recording into the DAW -- you can always fix the timing in the DAW. In fact, the all-digital pathway means that this is a great way to do this, and it would definitely work for Filtatron, too. But the lag is definitely a problem when you want real-time response and feedback when manually playing notes on Animoog.

I asked Mr Google about the AirPlay lag, and he says that apparently this is a shortcoming of AirPlay in general due to buffering. However, I also know that many apps will stream over AirPlay with no lag (games, media, etc.), so there's something different there (perhaps some kind of AirPlay capability built directly into the app -- as opposed to the app using the iDevice's "default" output, which is what Animoog does).

So, I'm wondering:
  • Has anyone else tried this method and figured out the lag problem?
  • Will Moog Music ever build AirPlay support directly into Animoog to alleviate the lag problem?
  • Will Moog Music ever make a AU/VST plug-in of Animoog so I can just have it in my DAW without the need for an external iDevice? If it were reasonably priced, I'd buy it in a flash. And if were unreasonably priced, I'd eventually buy it anyway.
I have a Duet2, so I always have the option of running an analog audio output from the iPad into the Duet2, but I'd prefer an all-digital pathway without the lag.

Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:23 am
by Mauroog
Maybe I'm missing something here but I don't seem to be able to use my Filtatron as an external effect unit in my setup. My iPad 2 running Filtatron is plugged via CCK to a Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 but when I run a signal into its inputs the Filtatron wouldn't pick it up. It does pick up the built-in mic signal, I can also hear the VCO tone and the Sample player but not the line in from the Scarlett (even though I have selected USB in the iPad/Settings/Filtraton/Audio Input).

I've tried doing the same thing with Garage Band instead of Filtatron and it does work (ie using GB's effects in the Audio recoder / Sampler section). Is it an issue specific to the Filtatron or am I missing something?

I've read that the Filtatron only takes mono input signals. Is this why it's not working for me? I would assume it'd collapse any stereo signal into mono before processing it?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: Getting audio in and out of an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 3:39 am
by Onlyzen
Adjust volume
With your project open, tap a clip in the timeline to reveal the inspector at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the Audio button .
Do any of the following: To turn sound off or on for a clip: Tap the Mute button next to the volume slider. ...
Tap outside the inspector to close it.