What Moog modules are the Moogerfoogers derivatives of?

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What Moog modules are the Moogerfoogers derivatives of?

Post by FeelinDank » Mon May 09, 2022 11:36 pm

First things first, I have no experience with Moog modular synthesizers (or even eurorack synthesizers). Googling comes up with little when searching for help since the Moogerfoogers are often described with “module” in the descriptions …and some sellers put it in the name as well, which only muddies the waters more. Anyways, the title basically says it all.

I’ve heard the Moog MF101 Lowpass Filter is roughly based on the Minimoog filter which is itself a derivative of a Moog modular filter module …Is it it a 904a module or an earlier one? Is the “envelope follower” based on the 912 Envelope Follower module? Does the MF101’s envelope follower essentially work how that 912 module works?

…MF102 Ring Modulator based on a Moog module?

…MF103 12-Stage Phaser based on the Moog MKPH 12-Stage phaser? (Was Bob involved with the this rack?) Is this Moog MKPH rack phaser itself based off of a Moog modular module?

…MF104/MF104z/MF104m/…MF104anyVer. Analog Delay based on a Moog modular module?

…MF105/MF105b/MF105m MuRF seems mostly related to Moog 914 Fixed Filter Bank (which has 12bp + 2 shelf filters vs MF105m’s 8bp filters at most). Correct module? MF105anyVer. also seems very very very loosely related to Moog CE String Filter (40bp filters at highly interesting frequencies). Also very very loosely related to a different Moog string filter with 24(?) bp filters Bob did for Neil Diamond’s Freeman String Symphonizer synthesizer (also Jan Hammer’s Freeman) on a limited basis. Also seems related to the Moog MKG 10-Band Graphic Equalizer and less so the Moog MKPE Three Band Parametric EQ (I think both of which Dr. Bob was NOT involved in).

MF107 FreqBox …what Moog modules did the engineers at Moog Music (after Bob passed) probably base this on (I guess Bob was “lightly involved” with this before his death)? Was Harold Bode designing this idea 60 years ago?

MF108m Cluster Flux …I saw a picture of a chorus / flanging unit on a forum attributed and essentially confirmed to be Dr. Bob’s work by Michelle Moog-Koussa. I want to say Michelle M.K. or the owner implied the unit was built in Dr. Bob’s Big Briar time. I am aware the MF108m was released years after Dr. Bob’s time by the engineers at Moog Music. Any chorus/flanging Moog modules they based this on?

…CP251 seems to be bits and pieces of Moog modules like the 921 LFO module, 995 Attenuator module, CP3 Mixer module, a 903a Random Signal Generator, and either a 928 Sample and Hold or a 1125 Sample-Hold Controller. Any others? Any clearly wrong modules listed here?

…MP-201 Multi-Pedal controller have any tie-ins to old controllers or modules? Were there foot pedal accessories beyond the “obvious” Moog Taurus synthesizer pedals or the Moog EP expression pedals?

…I’m not gonna ask about the “April Fool’s” MF models, since as a fan of minimalism composers, Hollywood films, and general physics …those are obvious.
Last edited by FeelinDank on Sun May 22, 2022 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What Moog modules are the Moogerfoogers derivatives of?

Post by stiiiiiiive » Sat May 14, 2022 8:20 am

Hi FeelinDank.

I'm not a connaisseur of old Moog modulars, but here are some answers / clues.
Generally speaking, you may want to find some MoogerFooger user manuals as they often tell the story behind the pedal.

The MF101 is indeed inherited of some filter module. For having tried several Moog synths (and read some valuable content here), I know that even if the electronics are the same, the way you feed the 101 will make it sounds a bit different. I came into Moog synths with a Little Phatty, continued with a Voyager Old School and a MG-1... they are all different in the way the filter reacts. I was suprised again when I tried a SubPhatty and finally a MF-101.

About the MF-104, I'm very unsure such BBD delays existed before the MoogerFooger series. Anyone correct me.

About the MF107, here is an extract from the manual: the
Steve Dunnigton wrote:The Story Behind the FreqBox
Back in 2004, I had an idea for an oscillator that could hard sync to any input signal. Thinking that this might be a really cool and unique idea, I sketched it up and brought it to Bob Moog. I asked him if such an idea would be feasible. He looked me in the eye and produced one of his famous belly-laughs. He pointed over to our engineering technician at the time, Mark Kline. Mark had brought him this same idea a week or so earlier and had already begun building a feasibility prototype. I compared my sketch to the plans for the prototype. Lo and behold they were the same except for
a few minor differences – all without either of us discussing this idea with each other! Bob loved this kind of occurrence, as he felt it revealed the interconnectedness of all things. He said the idea "must be in the air".
Mark soon left Moog Music to pursue a career in architecture, and we put aside "The Big Sync", as we called it then, to work
on other projects. In 2006 it was time to revisit the design and add a few things, like the dynamic control of the oscillator volume, envelope follower modulation of the VCO and frequency modulation from the input signal, and the FreqBox was born.
In Bob’s honor, I recommend connecting with your new Moogerfooger and exploring the outer regions of its sonic space. Enjoy!
The MP-201 is actually not par of the MoogerFooger line. It is a genuine "modern" product, read: it would not do much without its software :D

Hope this feeds your curiosity :)

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