Shift L hell

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Shift L hell

Post by hooshirn » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:06 pm

Looking around at D.A.W option's and I came across this vid

Here's me ranting over my frustration with software once again, is it possible to squeeze every bit of Soul and Humane spirit out of music?

This guy sound's like a bean counting bank teller espousing the many virtue's of Microsoft Excel macro's

one button press macro music ? so I can sound the over processed predictable macro mess like everyone else?

Year's ago I bought into this philosophy on and Atari St, I became so frustrated with this constant crashing and option within option garbage that I just quite attempting to make music altogether

I've been attempting to find a way around this type of office cubical workflow using I.O.S
But so far Auria is no better than my buggy old Cubase system, in fact I think it's worse

I love Animoog and Filtron I just want a clean and simple way to record a sound with out a lot of buggy crashing run around

Not a lot of luck so far I don't know if anyone has any useful advice on the matter but I thought I would ask

I like to live process everything and turn Real knob's real time it's the getting it to sync track to track, so far I've not found anything on I.O.S.
that doe's what I want, multitrack D.A.W is not too bad but I feel there must be better

It all smack's of that old one finger chord wonder weezer organ stuff designed by sale's team's way back in the day "anyone can play", did anyone actually make any decent music on those thing's?

Who know's maybe I just like to listen to myself complain

I really like turning knob's on these Fooger thing's it' is the recording on "Not enough memory" crashing crap that's getting to me
Voyager XL, Minitaur,Theremen+, Fooger's, Midi delay and Midi murf, Freq box X 2, Ring mod, 101 Filter, Novation ultra station, ZR 76, MC808, Bent Casio's, 3 Speak and Spell's , M audio black box,Korg Monotribe, Ipad's with Animoog, Filtron on and on..

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