"Theremin Mode ON" not working... What to do?

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"Theremin Mode ON" not working... What to do?

Post by Valery » Tue May 03, 2016 1:39 pm

Good day! I have long been fond of playing the theremin.
Often have to speak and play in front of the audience. I Have The Moog Etherwave
Plus and recently purchased a Theremini. Testing multiple instances
Theremini found out the following: the latest firmware has a mode
"Thermin mode On", change the value of knobs and turns digital
theremin analog functions. Unfortunately, this feature,
really need the by for performances, does not always work. She or
not included at all or included only partially. When activated
"Theremin mode on" work Theremini is not changed.
This feature does not work, although remains on the display in the settings.
At its first Theremini I successfully used this function for 2 months and was
very happy, then 2 months played ETW Plus, but the Theremini was standing idle.
After this time the function of Theremin mode ON stopped working, but reflected on
the display. Rebooting and reflashing didn't help. Sometimes the feature is included
partially: or setup Pitch or volume of audio output. Recently got a new device, but
I need a function it also does not turn on... Wrote a letter in support, but no answer
was received. Those who have experienced the same problem? What to do in this situation?
:idea: Personally, I think the point of instability in the firmware that needs to be adapted to
the problems to version 1.1.2 .
Who used this mode of "Theremin ON"? What do You think about this?
Good luck in everything! Valery. :wink:

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Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:01 pm

Re: "Theremin Mode ON" not working... What to do?

Post by Lilly » Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:32 pm

Hello Valery,
after setting the Theremin Mode to "on" in the "advanced settings", you can toggle between two modes (displays) using the "setup"-button.
The Theremin-Mode Shows "<Pitch Volume>" which means that the "pitch correction"-knob acts as tune for the pitch oscillator
and the "amount"-poti acts as a tune for the volume oscillator.

SCALE: Range 4oct can be changed with scale-button from 1 octave to 7 octaves
ROOT: Trans +0 can be changed to "-12", "0" and "+12" with the root-button

Be careful with the pitch poti, as in the righthand regions (see zero-point) it can invert the pitch, i.d. the note will be lower when you come nearer to the pitch-antenna.

By pressing the SETUP, you can change to the normal display, where the knobs act as usual.

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