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Controlling Voyager with Teremin

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:49 am
by lesNiobides
So, I attached the cables from theremin to voyager using the proper inputs but
only get a sound out of the Voyager when holding down a key, which would
require me having 3 hands to operate the theremin. I actually resorted to placing
a weight on the key to use both hands on the theremin.
Is there a switch on the voyager or something I'm missing in the set up?

Re: Controlling Voyager with Teremin

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:09 pm
by EricK
Change the envelope gate to external.

Re: Controlling Voyager with Teremin

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:22 am
by lesNiobides
Many thanks!