Saving a pattern to a different bank / pattern on Mother 32?

Mother-32, DFAM, Subharmonicon, Grandmother, Matriarch
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Saving a pattern to a different bank / pattern on Mother 32?

Post by Gornvix » Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:02 am

Say I'm on pattern location 3 in bank 1 and I want to save the current pattern to location 1 in bank 2. I can't seem to get this to work.

I hold shift + rec to get it into pattern save mode. I can then save to different pattern location by pressing left and right, or by pressing a step key. And save to that location by pressing shift + rec. But how and at what stage do I use the bank key to save to a different bank location (as well as to a different pattern location)? Are you supposed to change bank as the first stage by pressing shift + bank + step? The manual is not clear on this whole process. I'm guessing that the manual is not up to date with the firmware.

I've been changing bank the usual way with shift + bank + step (number) before doing anything else, and then either save or select the current pattern. It seems to work well. I think Moog made it so that you can change bank and pattern in two steps rather than first changing bank. That way you could for example change from bank 1 pattern 5 to bank 2 pattern 3, without going via bank 2 pattern 5. Useful if playing live.

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