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Can you identify this long lost Memorymoog Plus update kit?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:53 pm
by zepdude
Years ago I purchased a "MemorymoogPlus MIDI Update kit" on ebay which was released by Moog AFTER v4.1; it included 4 chips, 2 resistors, a pot and wire. Although I do not know the version number I will attach pics of the original documentation from the ebay auction. A tech installed the resistors, pot and wire for me but tragically, the eproms were lost in the mail. We were going to duplicate this entire kit and sell it (cheaply) so that all memorymoog plus owners could have it, but unfortunately the eproms could never be found. This has always haunted me and also left my moog half updated (it seems to work ok, but the lights flash a bit when I play the keys).

I'm trying to figure out if anyone can identify what this upgrade was, if anyone has these chips, what version they might be, or if I should just get the Kenton Midi kit which seems to provide similar enhancements (mostly I would like the midi pitchbend/mod wheel capability). Also, I want to find out where the resisitors, pot and wire were installed so if nothing else I can get it back to stock. My version currently displays: "84" with "UP L" on the second step

Here is the info of the kit from the ebay auction if anyone can figure out what it was. Thanks for any help you can offer:
moogupgrade2.jpg (25.5 KiB) Viewed 5025 times
moogupgrade1.jpg (25.82 KiB) Viewed 5025 times
The MemorymoogPlus MIDI Update kit is an upgrade to add several common MIDI features not included in MemorymoogPlus software version 4.1.

The new features implemented are:

Front Panel MIDI Channel Selection!

MIDI Receive of Pitchbend!

MIDI Receive of Sustain Pedal!

MIDI Receive of Modulation Wheel!

MIDI Receive of Controller Pedal!

and MIDI Receive of Volume!

It involves replacing the 4 existing EPROMs with the 4 new EPROMs supplied.
Also, 2 resistors, 1 potentiometer, and a piece of wire are added(see photo).
This upgrade kit is brand new, never used- it's been safely tucked away in my
closet since 1991 when I purchased it from Moog Music Manufacturing. I sold my
MemorymoogPlus before I had a chance to install it. The EPROMs have always
been safely sitting in ESD protective IC black foam inside an ESD protective
bag. I have handled the EPROMs only to take the photos and I was properly
grounded using my wrist strap and I handled only the black IC foam. The kit
includes photo copy images (that's what they sent me! but they are quite
readable) of the circuit boards involved (3 boards are involved) and there is
an 11-step installation instruction. There also are 3 pages of text describing
the MIDI enhancements.

Re: Can you identify this long lost Memorymoog Plus update kit?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:50 am
by electrojoe
Follow this thread.
There is a lot of info here.



Re: Can you identify this long lost Memorymoog Plus update kit?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:09 am
by MC
That's the dBM MIDI upgrade. Only works in a Memorymoog Plus. I have one in mine, great addition.

More info here ... bm-upgrade

Re: Can you identify this long lost Memorymoog Plus update kit?

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 6:30 pm
by zepdude
Thanks for your replies, elctrojoe and MC!

MC, you solved it! Great website by the way, and thanks! Some people on ebay are actually selling that DBM kit however they won't ship to USA (and I can't get any reply). I was looking into finding someone who could burn the eproms using the data on your site (so far no luck) but then noticed that Kenton is offering their own upgrade with even more extensive midi implementation -So I may go that route.

Do you have any thoughts on the Kenton kit?