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Minitaur screwed up after firmware update

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:08 pm
by analogholic
OK, this is not going very well at all...
Had my Minitaur for two years. Always worked as it should.
After I finally got my Sub Phatty editor to work, I got inspired and thought I´d do the same for the Minitaur.

I started by updating the firmware (from Moog Website).
Then I got the editor.
I could control the parameters of the Minitaur fron the editor but I had the "famous" "Hardware disconnect" on the editor.

OK, So I thought I ´d try out the different presets by selecting them from the Minitaur. That didn´t work. It was always the same sound that I programmed. OK, maybe it didn´t update the firmware properly. I tried again, same thing.

I read the thread ... 0&start=75
where everybody had the hardware disconnect problem. So I downloaded the new driver Andy Hughes provided and Installed that.
Now I couldn´t even control the parameters of the Minitaur from the editor like I could before the new driver installation.

Then I updated the firmware once again but now from the same folder as the new USB driver (
I noticed that the Minitaur reacted differently when I did the update this time, it seemed that it got it right.
So start playing it and there is a different sound.
BUT, the pitch is totally scewed up. It´s like 2 1/2 octaves below normal pitch. A low C on the Minitaur is a G on the Sub Phatty two octaves up. More strange things:

1. The range is now only ONE octave, then it repeats. When I play VCO 1 chromatically up from C and play next semitone C#, that sounds one octave below as the rest of the following notes. Thsis repeats for each octave.
On VCO 2, same thing but, the octave below thing starts on D as opposed to C# on VCO 1.

2. When I turn the VCO 2 Freq knob and reach about "+1.5)", The pitch drops one octave. When I continue to turn the knob the pitch raises gradually and when I reach "+7", the pitch is back at its original octave (as it is on "0")
If I turn the knob the other way around, the pitch falls as it should, but when I reach "-5", the pitch goes up one octave as it was on +-0.

Boy, I really regret starting to mess with this.
Before, I had no patches and editing capabilities...but a working Minitaur
Now I have the same with a non working Minitaur

What to do?
Is there a hard reset?

Re: Minitaur screwed up after firmware update

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:29 pm
by analogholic
OK, problem solved
Updated with 2.1.1 again and unit works as it should again,,,holy sh*t...I was really devastated for a while.
Even the editor started working both from and to Minitaur. Still said "Hardware disconnect" though.
Dumped the factory presets to the unit. Works!

Tried to update with 2.1.5 again, same weird tuning sh*t as before.
Installed the latest USB driver once more...again NOTHING works regarding the editor,

So I had to go back to 2.1.1.
Now I could even get the patches from the Minitaur into the editor. It said "Hardware disconnect" again from just a second, then the patches were there.
The only thing now NOT working properly is RELEASE, both filter and amp.
If I turn the decicated release knobs in extended view (ADSR) Minitaur does not respond.
If I turn the decay/release knobs in normal view (ADR) Minitaur does not respond.
If I press the release button on the Minitaur, the equivalent lights in the editor but release does not respond when 'i turn the decay/release knob on the Minitaur.

Re: Minitaur screwed up after firmware update

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:47 am
by CleverConQueso
You often have to run the calibration routine after firmware updates on the Minitaur.
Moog seems to be actively working on the Minitaur as we speak. Although the last beta worked great for me, there's another beta out just now and that one is behaving even better with regard to the hardware disconnected messages than the last beta. For the record, I was having trouble with the error with the last production release. When you do update, make sure you are carefully updating the USB drivers on your computer if you are running Windows. Part of their approach is to change how this connects and it seems to be working.
Good luck and hang in there.