Problem with V2.0 Editor/OS3.2 and Windows XP

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Problem with V2.0 Editor/OS3.2 and Windows XP

Post by PD » Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:47 pm

Hi - hope no-one minds me reposting this - I posted before but it was in a thread relating to MAC Editor problems and I got no replies re my Windows issue.

I have a recently acquired Voyager with OS 3.2 and Editor Software v2.0 (which seems to be the latest available as at 18 July 2006). My PC is running Windows XP SP2.

I cannot load any saved User Banks i(ie .MVR files) in the "Preset Banks" section of the Editor software using the File/Load User Bank Data comand. Nothing happens. I seem to be able to Save User Banks using the File command (at least, a .MVR file is created) but these won't reload. The only presets I can load into the User Bank area are the Factory presets via the File/Moog Banks command, but these don't seem to come from .MVR files.

In the Librarian section, I can (mostly - does not always reload) save and reload .MVL files but cannot load .MVR or .SYX files even though there are options to select these. After much playing around I now think the preset/banks section of the editor software is pretty much unusable for any practical purposes and I am now just using Sysex dumps via my Sonar Sysex librarian.

Does anyone else have similar problems in Windows, and does anyone know if this problem is being worked on?

Thanks in anticipation - PD 8) (Shaded Smilie because it's hot in UK at the moment!)

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Post by GregAE » Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:44 am

PD -

First check to make sure you have the latest version of the Editor. All current versions are available at:

If the software is up to date and you still have issues, try sending an email to SoundTower ([email protected]) explaining the problem. They should be able to help you.


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Post by soundt » Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:27 pm


That's correct. There was a little problem with loading back files with al 7 seven banks saved (*.mvr) in both MAC and PC version. Somehow the editor was still looking for the old format that contained only one bank. This problem has been fixed. Now, the editor loads MVR files in both formats. The good news is that whatever you have saved in MVR files is still there and nothing got lost.

The update for both MAC and PC is now available through Moog site:

or also temporary from the Soundtower FTP:

I am sorry for this inconvenience.


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Post by smut » Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:51 am

I am still satisfied with the OS 3.1.

Do the Editor 2.02 work fine with it, or is it a must, to update to OS 3.2?

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