Polymoog TOS

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Polymoog TOS

Post by megavoice » Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:38 pm

Hi my mates,

as I'm looking for some reserve TOS I've got a bit confused about some technical data I've received from some sellers.
The original one is the MOSTEK 50240, and from an onther producer S50240. "N" is for plastic, and "P" is pocelain.
There are clones, MO 83 and MO 86. It also seems to be clear the proper one for the Polymoog has to have 13 outputs.
My tech has found old schematics with notifications (and wrong !) that the MO 83 would fit as a replacement.
But there's a bit confusion of their supply voltages.
If I'm right the Polymoog has 15V but it seems that the two MOs have only 14,2 V and might get broken.
A seller has told me now these are set for 20 V and can be used without problems.
He said also if I want to replace the MK 50240 I should take MO 86AB1. ?????
And what about their frequency: Obviously 2,5 MegaHz are enough instead of 4,5 ??????

I'd thank everyone so much if he'd clarify all this... :D
"Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fu** the prom queen." —Sean Connery to Nicholas Cage in "The Rock" (1996)
I've never seen any real prom queen here in my country, but if we had some they'd
**** with everyone.

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